The Wind Jackals of Mozenrath -- the Transcript Transcribed by Ruth ******* (We are in the city in the Land of the Black Sand, the kingdom belonging to the sorcerer MOZENRATH. We pan past a few buildings and settle on an arch. We tilt up and see a dark FIGURE leap between two buildings. We see closer to the building where the FIGURE stands. He motions to someone on the other side and in a second a second dark FIGURE leaps between the two buildings. The second FIGURE takes off its hood and we see JASMINE. The first FIGURE is ALADDIN.) ALADDIN: Come on - let's keep moving. (JASMINE puts her hands on her hips, then stands and catches ALADDIN'S arm.) JASMINE: We're missing somebody. ALADDIN: Where is he now? (We see a third, much smaller FIGURE swing on a bar, over to a flag hanging from one of the buildings and finally land on a glowing crystal. It's ABU.) ALADDIN: Abu, the dark defender of the night. (ABU is startled when the crystal starts to glow much brighter. He leaps over onto ALADDIN'S face. ALADDIN pulls him off and tries to calm him down a bit.) ALADDIN: Relax, Abu. That glowing crystal is a good thing. Mozenrath has them all over the place to let him know if anything magical comes into his kingdom. JASMINE: If that one's glowing, Mozenrath's new magic weapon could be close. (They both go to the edge of the building and look over. A cart goes past.) ALADDIN: One way to find out. (ABU starts screeching; ALADDIN puts a hand over his mouth, then he and JASMINE leap off the building onto the ground. ABU leaps onto the crystal first, watches the cart progress a little further then turns to see three MAMLUKS walking through the arch. This frightens him so he runs down the pole the crystal is mounted on and down to the ground. His cape catches on one of the spikes on the pole and he struggles to free himself. He sees the MAMLUKS getting closer and tugs harder at his cape. He tries for a few seconds, then a whip catches him and pulls him until he stops against a wall and JASMINE puts a hand over his mouth.) JASMINE: Shh. (The MAMLUKS pass the alley where ALADDIN and JASMINE are hiding.) ALADDIN: The mamluks are on patrol. JASMINE: I'd face a dozen mamluks to keep that weapon out of Mozenrath's hands. ALADDIN: I'd just like to know what we're up against. JASMINE: My father's spies heard Mozenrath's weapon could spell Agrabah's doom. ALADDIN: I guess that's all we need to know, then. (JASMINE and ABU exchange a glance.) (Now we go to the palace in Agrabah. IAGO is relaxing by an open window and GENIE and CARPET are playing a board game similar to Monopoly. CARPET rolls some dice and GENIE watches as they land.) GENIE: Woo hoo hoo! You're going to land on 'Agrabah Place', where I have erected a Super-Deluxe-Mega Palace! (CARPET starts moving his piece (a magic carpet, funnily enough) around the board. GENIE puts his hands behind his head.) Say hello to bankruptcy! (CARPET continues to move his piece.) Huh? ( ... and misses the GENIE'S palace by one space.) You missed it by one?! IAGO: I told you don't waste your money building Palaces, and always keep a 'Get Out of Dungeon Free' card handy. (CARPET waves a card he's just picked up at the GENIE.) GENIE: What? (He takes the card and reads it) "You have been elected Sultan of the Land. Other players pay you fifty gold pieces." Missed it by one and I pay *him* fifty gold pieces? (IAGO is happily eating from a bunch of grapes.) IAGO: I can't remember the last time Aladdin just let us lounge in the palace. (He spits out a few seeds; they hit a passing pigeon. IAGO sits up, ignoring the angry pigeon.) Hey - where are the kid and the monkey, anyway? GENIE: (Annoyed) I don't know and I don't care! (We see CARPET putting a large pile of gold pieces down on his side of the board.) IAGO: Aladdin didn't tell ya what he was doin' tonight? GENIE: He and Jasmine probably went on a date. IAGO: With the monkey? Nah, somethin's up. GENIE: Can't you see I have a game to lose here?? IAGO: This may just fuel my paranoid delusions, but ... I'm gonna nose around. (He leaves GENIE and CARPET to their game and flies off.) (He flies down a corridor in the palace; we hear the SULTAN speak.) SULTAN: I'm not so sure I should have let them go by themselves. It's an extremely dangerous undertaking, very risky. IAGO: (Landing by the curtain leading to the throne room.) Risky? SULTAN: But, I trust Aladdin's judgement. (We now see him standing by his throne, RASOUL by his side.) If they are successful, it will most definitely be worth it. IAGO: (Smiling) Worth it ... (We go back to GENIE, still in the midst of losing to CARPET.) GENIE: (Reading from a card) "Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred gold pieces, proceed directly to Dungeon". (IAGO flies in.) IAGO: I was right! (He lands on the table between GENIE and CARPET.) GENIE: Yeah, a 'Get Out of Dungeon Free' card would come in handy right about now. IAGO: No! My paranoia is confirmed! They cut us out of a deal -- they cut us all out! (He kicks a few gold pieces off the table.) But me! That's the part that hurts. GENIE: Who cut you out of what? IAGO: Who do you think? The kid, the princess, and a stinky little monkey. (He hops up and down on the table. GENIE picks him up.) GENIE: (As a newspaper reporter) Son, a good reporter needs less opinion and more facts. Now -- feed me what ya got. (He turns into a typewriter.) IAGO: Aladdin, Princess Jasmine and Abu are missing. (GENIE comes out of the typewriter, holding a piece of paper.) GENIE: Ooh, it smells good -- we could be talkin' front page. (He puts a picture of the missing trio on the page and feeds it into the typewriter, ready to type. He changes back to normal.) Now, where are they? IAGO: They are on a treasure hunt without us! (The end of the typewriter hits him as GENIE is typing all this.) Ow! GENIE: Name your sources. IAGO: The Sultan, and I quote, (He puffs him self up and his tail feather sticks straight up like a feather in a turban to look like the Sultan, and he imitates the SULTAN'S voice.) 'It is an extremely dangerous undertaking, but if they are successful it will most definitely be worth it'. GENIE: Ooh, that's a highly placed source in the current administration. IAGO: Think, people, think! 'Danger' plus 'worth it' equals treasure hunt. (He rubs his wings together.) GENIE: But why would Al keep it a secret? IAGO: Because he doesn't wanna share. GENIE: Nope. Not buying it. (A lightbulb goes on over his head -- he reaches up and pulls the chain.) There's only one way to settle this. We'll just have to check The Big Book of Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know. (He conjures up the book and a pair of reading spectacles and opens the book.) Hmm ... What the Tooth Fairy Does With All Those Molars ... What's Really in a Tongue Sandwich (He and IAGO both pull a face. CARPET snatches the book and starts flicking through it. He finds something and shoves the book back in GENIE'S face, who brings it down and reads.) ... Aladdin, Jasmine and Abu Are In the Land of the Black Sand! IAGO: Nobody would go to the Land of the Black Sand unless it was to get a real juicy treasure. (GENIE snaps his beak shut.) GENIE: Al wouldn't tangle with Mozenrath just to get some treasure. They must be in some sort of trouble! (IAGO breaks free again.) IAGO: You say 'tom-eh-to', I say 'tom-ah-to'. You say 'trouble', I say 'treasure'. GENIE: Carpet -- let's move. (The three of them fly off.) (Back to the Land of the Black Sand. The MAMLUK driving the cart is seen going under an arch. We see a gargoyle as JASMINE fastens her whip around its horn. Then JASMINE swings down to the cart, knocking the MAMLUK off and into a pile of barrels against a wall. The cart stops and JASMIME calls to ALADDIN.) JASMINE: All yours, Aladdin. ALADDIN: Where does a princess learn this stuff? (He jumps, and ABU follows. ALADDIN jumps into the driver's seat, JASMINE jumps onto the back of the cart as he goes past.) JASMINE: Ah ... that went well. ALADDIN: Looks like we're home free! (He spurs the horses and they race through the streets until they come across a patrol -- four MAMLUKS. XERXES, MOZENRATH'S pet eel, is leading them.) XERXES: (To ALADDIN) Halt! (Aladdin pulls on the reigns and stops the cart just in front of the patrol. His hood is over his face, so XERXES and the MAMLUKS can't see who's there.) XERXES: Have weapon? ALADDIN: Mmm. XERXES: Ooh ... magic weapon! Take to master! ALADDIN: Mrm-hmm? XERXES: Mozenrath! Take to Mozenrath! ALADDIN: Mmm-hrm-mmm-hmm. (He starts the cart again, but XERXES floats up and cuts him off. XERXES: Wrong way! Citadel there. (He points towards it, and we see the citadel off in the distance.) Mozenrath waits! ABU: (Quietly) Uh-oh ... (The cart starts up again, XERXES leading them. We see a MAMLUK on patrol in the streets. We see the back of another. The second MAMLUK nods at the first and the second continues down the street. A little way along, it turns and we see it's GENIE in disguise. IAGO pops his head out from under GENIE'S hat.) IAGO: This had better be a really choice treasure. (GENIE poofs back to normal and IAGO pulls the stitches out of his mouth.) GENIE: That's better. Now let's find our friends before the cadaver cavalcade does! (CARPET apparently sees something.) IAGO: Hey! What's with the rug? (CARPET picks up a piece of fabric snagged on a spike.) GENIE: Find something of note there, Wonder Rug? (CARPET brings it over.) Ah! A clue! (He takes a hair from the fabric.) We must analyse this hair ... this calls for (He conjures a table full of scientific things, and he's dressed in a white lab coat.) Science! (He puts the hair under a microscope; IAGO takes it.) IAGO: Give me that! (He sniffs the hair.) Eeeurgh! (He falls to the ground.) That's Abu alright. GENIE: Well, sure, if you wanna do it the easy way. (He gets rid of the table and poofs himself back to normal. CARPET motions and GENIE and IAGO follow him.) Look alive, boys. The mamluks lurk around every corner. (As they round a corner, we see the crystal just by it begin to glow. Then we see several of the MAMLUKS still on patrol. One holds up a hand to halt the others and they see the glowing crystals tracing the path of GENIE, CARPET and IAGO, who are just a little way ahead. The MAMLUKS run after them. We arrive at the citadel with ALADDIN and the cart. ALADDIN looks back at JASMINE, hiding in the back then we get a shot of the doors as they open by magic.) XERXES: It's here! (MOZENRATH appears.) MOZENRATH: Finally! I should trudge you for being late. But -- I'm in too good a mood. This is the eve of my ultimate conquest. At last I have the power to lay waste to the Seven Deserts. (He goes to the back of the cart to pull off the sheet, almost discovering JASMINE. ALADDIN looks horrified, but XERXES interrupts this.) XERXES: Mozenrath! Trouble brews! MOZENRATH: Indeed it does, Xerxes ... (he grabs the eel around the neck) ... if you persist with this interruption. XERXES: (Choking) Magical intruders ... (MOZENRATH lets him go.) MOZENRATH: What? (He looks back towards ALADDIN, who quickly turns his head so MOZENRATH doesn't see him.) XERXES: There -- (he turns MOZENRATH'S head.) There! (He points, where a line of glowing crystals leads away from the citadel.) MOZENRATH: (To ALADDIN) Stay with the cart -- I'll be back in a sec. (MOZENRATH vanishes and JASMINE breathes a sigh of relief. At the front of the cart, ABU looks out from under ALADDIN'S cloak and ALADDIN pulls off his hood.) ALADDIN: Phew, lucky break. JASMINE: Let's not waste it. (ALADDIN spurs the horses and they speed off in the opposite direction, away from the citadel. Back to GENIE, CARPET and IAGO still wandering the streets.) IAGO: Ah, let's just get the treasure and get outta here. GENIE: (Standing under one of the glowing crystals.) See? It's starting to light up! Self-lighting lamps! What a great idea! How do you suppose they work? Do they sense motion? (He waves his hands.) MOZENRATH: (From behind them.) Magic, actually. (They turn and see him standing with four of his MAMLUKS.) Hi, kids. (He holds up his right hand and zaps them, wrapping them in chains. He goes over to them.) I am so glad I ran into you. Because wherever I find you bumbling side-kicks, I'm sure to find -- XERXES: -- Aladdin! (He chuckles; GENIE and CARPET exchange a glance.) (Shot of the city, then back to GENIE, CARPET and IAGO, still trapped.) GENIE: You think these pathetic little manacles will hold me, Mozenrath? (He tries to poof himself out of them, but gets zapped instead.) XERXES: Heh heh. Anti-magic manacles. Hyeh heh heh. GENIE: Hmm. I was not aware of such a product. MOZENRATH: I made them. And these crystals, too. They alert me to uninvited magic. Then I can proceed with capture, torment, abuse -- XERXES: -- whatever! IAGO: Heh heh. Me being non-magical and all, I'm ... off on a technicality ... right? (MOZENRATH picks him up by the chain.) MOZENRATH: Wrong. But I might delay the pain and suffering, if ... you tell me where Aladdin is. GENIE: (As a solider) Go on! Torture us, ya stinkin' rat! All you'll get is name, rank and favourite cereal! IAGO: No! Don't torture us! We know nothing! We're ignoramuses! The kid ditched us back in Agrabah. Just left without the magic carpet and genie. Why? You tell me, 'cause I don't know! GENIE: Because the magic carpet and the genie would set off the local bad guy's security system. XERXES: Genie smart. (MOZENRATH grabs him around the neck and he adds hastily,) Mozenrath smarter! MOZENRATH: Thanks to the genie-us, we now know that Aladdin is here. GENIE: I did not say that!! (To CARPET) Did I say that? XERXES: Start search? MOZENRATH: (After thinking for a moment.) The driver. (And we see ALADDIN driving the cart, speeding through the desert. ABU is now in the back with JASMINE and the two of them look out from under the sheet.) JASMINE: We're going to make it! ABU: Hooray! (Unfortunately, this is not to be, since a little further, two MAMLUKS appear out of the sand. One of them slashes at the cart with his sword and cuts the horses loose. The cart grinds to a halt and the two MAMLUKS come running up. JASMINE throws off the sheet and jumps out of the cart. She takes out her whip and catches one of the MAMLUKS around the wrist. She pulls and pulls his sword away, as well as the rest of his hand. She gasps. ALADDIN takes the sword.) ALADDIN: Don't worry, Jasmine, they don't feel a thing. (As he's fending off another MAMLUK, the arm JASMINE severed grabs him around the ankle.) Which can be a problem. (ABU pulls the hand off ALADDIN'S ankle and throws it away. ALADDIN keeps fighting the MAMLUK. XERXES appears and wraps himself around ABU.) XERXES: Hi, monkey. ALADDIN: Abu! (A bright flash from behind them -- MOZENRATH appears.) MOZENRATH: Aladdin, you were in my kingdom but you didn't look me up? I'm hurt. ALADDIN: Get used to the feeling. (He throws a MAMLUK over his head and it rolls towards MOZENRATH. He raises his right hand and blasts it, blowing it to pieces.) MOZENRATH: This is the problem with undead servants -- always falling apart on the job. (JASMINE cracks her whip around his wrist.) Want this? Ooh, careful -- it packs a punch! (He closes his hand around the whip and zaps JASMINE. She gasps and falls to her knees.) ALADDIN: Jasmine! This ends *now*, Mozenrath! (One hand grasps MOZENRATH'S wrist, the other is around the sorcerer's neck.) MOZENRATH: If only life were so cut and dry. (The MAMLUKS bring in GENIE, CARPET and IAGO, still bound in the manacles.) IAGO: We were just sittin' at home, mindin' our own business when BANG, ZOOM! And, well, here we be. MOZENRATH: A surprise complication! So what'll it be? Surrender, or -- XERXES: -- French-fried friends? GENIE: Don't worry about us, Al. IAGO: Who asked you? Worry, Al. Threaten, even. ALADDIN: You win, Mozenrath. (He lets go.) MOZENRATH: (Clenching his fist) Status quo. (A round room in the citadel. JASMINE, ABU, GENIE, CARPET, IAGO and ALADDIN are chained to the wall with MOZENRATH'S magic manacles. It looks hopeless.) IAGO: (To ALADDIN) You don't hate birds, do ya? Very few treasures are worth the risk of (something I can't dechipher -- sorry!) ALADDIN: There's no treasure, Iago. JASMINE: We were on a mission to capture a weapon, not a treasure hunt. GENIE: And you would've got it too, if we'd kept our big, dumb noses out of it. JASMINE: We had to keep our plan a secret. We knew you two would never let us face the danger alone. IAGO: Okay -- the magic boys I get. But why not tell me? I have no qualms with you facing danger solo. ALADDIN: We didn't tell you because you have a big mouth! IAGO: Oh ... good point. GENIE: So ... what's the big weapon? (MOZENRATH and XERXES appear in the doorway. MOZENRATH lifts the crate containing his weapon with his gloved hand and walks towards his prisoners.) MOZENRATH: Expiring minds want to know: what's in the crate? XERXES: Yeah, what's in the crate? MOZENRAH: Far be it from me to keep you all in suspense. May I present: Scirocco! (The crate bursts open and a WHIRLWIND whips around the room for a second.) IAGO: You bought wind?? Oh, there's a lethal weapon! Hey! I'll sell ya some sand to go with it! ALADDIN: Big mouth, Iago. Big mouth. MOZENRATH: Scirocco -- a magical wind from a dark and dangerous corner of my desert. (SCIROCCO whirls around MOZENRATH, lifting him off the ground.) Hear me, Scirocco! Hear the voice of your master! And obey! (He clenches his fist, then jumps out of the whirlwind and lands neatly on the floor. SCIROCCO whirls around the room again before landing at MOZENRATH'S feet, assuming the form of a JACKAL.) Scirocco -- destroy. (SCIROCCO whirls around a pillar between ABU and GENIE. Then he goes over to IAGO and growls at him.) IAGO: Nice poochie ... (SCIROCCO returns to MOZENRATH'S side.) MOZENRATH: Scirocco can reduce an entire kingdom to dust. (He pets SCIROCCO'S nose.) Who would dare challenge such power? JASMINE: My father will fight you to his last breath! MOZENRATH: (Going over to JASMINE) My dear Princess, the leaders of the Seven Deserts will have a choice: grovel at my feet, or gravel at theirs. (SCIROCCO comes over to him again, laying down at his feet.) It begins at dawn, when I destroy all of you, and Agrabah. GENIE: Hah! You can't be in two places at once! You'll have to destroy Agrabah, or us. IAGO: Ah, go for Agrabah. MOZENRATH: I direct your attention to the ceiling, where you'll notice a rather large diamond. (It pops in through a hole in the ceiling.) IAGO: Treasure! I knew it! MOZENRATH: At dawn, the sun will hit that diamond, which will magnify the light into heat. And -- well, it gets kind of messy from there. IAGO: Eh, you kids take this treasure, I'll ah ... get the next one. GENIE: Nice try, Mozenrath. But a genie isn't afraid of a little sunburn. Another amateurish oversight. MOZENRATH: (Now going over to GENIE) Okay, then -- everybody else expires at dawn while I blow away Agrabah. Then, say noonish, I return and devise some way to destroy you. XERXES: Good plan! GENIE: You ... could do it that way. MOZENRATH: Well, I could rave all night, but -- I've got a city to destroy. Scirocco -- come. (SCIROCCO whirls after him, and he, SCIROCCO and XERXES exit the citadel.) (Now we see the sun rising over the desert and a few of the palace GUARDS, mounted on horses, watching it. They all look a little worried.) RASOUL: The last sunrise this warrior may ever see. FASAL: Nothing could be worse than to march into the Land of the Black Sand! RASOUL: There is one thing worse: to do so with the Sultan in command. (The SULTAN comes over, dressed in his battle gear.) SULTAN: Ah ... ha-has anyone seen my horse? I-I seem to have misplaced him. Well -- stallion or no, I will lead this elite attack force. Aladdin and Jasmine have been gone too long. (He brandishes his sword.) We must bring the battle to Mozenrath! MOZENRATH: (From off-camera) No, no, old man -- (And now we see him standing on a rock) I've brought the battle to you. Scirocco! Hear your master's voice! (SCIROCCO comes whirling over to him.) SULTAN: Oh, my! RASOUL: Awaiting your orders, Commander. (Back to the outside of the cidatel. We hear GENIE cry out from inside.) GENIE: It's no use! I've tried everything. These anti-magic manacles are a real problem. IAGO: (Imitating GENIE) Another amateurish oversight! (Back to normal) Let's say that Brat Who Would Be King has his bases covered. ALADDIN: Not all of 'em ... right, Abu? (ABU is searching with his tail in his vest. He pulls out a lockpick and starts picking at the lock holding the GENIE.) GENIE: No pressure ... no pressure at all ... (He looks up at the ceiling to see the diamond starts to glow, sending out sunbeams to the walls which start running down them burning the wall as well.) GENIE: Okay, there's pressure! BIG pressure! Do it! NOW! (ABU continues to pick the lock and finally frees the GENIE, who immediately zooms up to the ceiling and shatters the diamond. He re-appears by ALADDIN, wearing a crown, necklace and bracelets made from the pieces of the diamond.) GENIE: Is this too much? Be honest. (He frees the others.) ALADDIN: Let's move! (Back to the desert, and SCIROCCO standing with MOZENRATH.) MOZENRATH: Scirocco, destroy! (SCIROCCO zooms towards the SULTAN and GUARDS, who scatter, then whirls around a building just behind where they were standing, again reducing it to dust.) RASOUL: (Peeking out from his hiding place behind a rock) H-how can we fight such a beast? (SCIROCCO flies past -- he and FASAL duck.) MOZENRATH: It was worth getting up early for this. (The SULTAN tries to run, but trips over a rock. SCIROCCO lands before him.) SULTAN: Back, you infernal beast! (SCIROCCO jumps at the SULTAN, but JASMINE zooms past on CARPET and picks him up just in time. SCIROCCO growls at them.) SULTAN: Jasmine? JASMINE: Let's get you out of here. MOZENRATH: The princess. XERXES: And Aladdin! (We see ALADDIN standing not far away, with ABU and IAGO.) ALADDIN: Well ... did we miss much? MOZENRATH: You're just in time to witness the destruction of Agrabah. ALADDIN: (To ABU) Maybe he needs a girlfriend or something. IAGO: I think he's ... married to his work. MOZENRATH: It's so true! I love it! (He zaps ALADDIN who falls backwards, then clutches his wrist. GENIE appears in front of him dressed in full armour.) GENIE: Prepare to defend thyself, knave! MOZENRATH: Consider me prepared. Scirocco -- attack! (SCIROCCO zooms over and whirls around GENIE, destroying the armour.) MOZENRATH: (Chuckle) Maybe I've found that elusive way to destroy Genie. XERXES: Xerxes watch? (ALADDIN, ABU and IAGO are sitting up. JASMINE flies down on CARPET.) JASMINE: How are we doing? IAGO: Not good. ALADDIN: (Climing onto CARPET) We can still turn this around. C'mon, Abu. (SCIROCCO is advancing on GENIE.) MOZENRATH: Destroy, Scirocco! Eradicate! (ALADDIN and the others fly past. ALADDIN jumps off CARPET on their way past and tackles MOZENRATH. Then ABU jumps off and tackles XERXES.) MOZENRATH: (Pinned by ALADDIN) Scirocco! D-destroy Aladdin! IAGO: (Imitating MOZENRATH) Attack this, destroy that. (Back to normal) And you guys say *I* have a big mouth! JASMINE: Iago -- we need your big mouth! (ALADDIN and MOZENRATH continue to struggle. MOZENRATH pushes ALADDIN over his head and they both roll down a dune. SCIROCCO leaves GENIE and follows to where MOZENRATH now has ALADDIN pinned to the ground. He lands behind them.) IAGO: (Sitting on JASMINE'S shoulder, imitating MOZENRATH) Scirocco! Retreat! Scirocco, beat it! Retreat at once! (SCIROCCO does.) ALADDIN: Huh. MOZENRATH: That wasn't my order. (He stands.) Nobody commands my magical minions but me -- nobody! (He goes to zap IAGO, but ALADDIN comes up behind him, grabs his wrist and puts a hand over his mouth.) ALADDIN: It is you -- as far as Scirocco knows. IAGO: Ahem. (Still imitating MOZENRATH) Scirocco, I command you to go to the farthest corner of the Earth, and don't come back! (SCIROCCO whirls off into the distance. Now GENIE sits up.) GENIE: Ooh ... that hurt! Okay -- point me towards Mozenratten and his Wonder Worm. (He gives himself huge muscles.) ALADDIN: He's all yours. (He pushes MOZENRATH; GENIE picks him up.) MOZENRATH: Whoa! Unhand me! GENIE: Oh, good idea. That magic hand of yours really annoyed me. (He points at MOZENRATH'S gloved had and a big padded mitten appears.) MOZENRATH: What?? GENIE: Anti-magic mittens! (ABU spins XERXES around and throws him -- GENIE catches him too.) Now where did I put the other one? Oh, yes. XERXES: Stupid genie! Mozenrath -- (He's cut off when GENIE'S other mitten appears on his head.) ALADDIN: Mission accomplished, Sultan. IAGO: Ah, what would you have done without us? JASMINE: I guess we'll never know. (The end.)