So ... you think your site's good enough to win an award? Well, this is the place to come! I've seen SO many award pages out there, but many of them I can't apply for because my site's not dedicated to one thing in particular ... and I know a few other pages like that. So, as well as having specific awards, I'm also going to have a general award for sites that don't quite qualify for the specific ones. Below are the descriptions of the awards and an application form just in case you wish to apply. All you have to do is fill in the form and press
the button!

Now ... descriptions. The first award will be given to sites dedicated to musical theatre ... either musicals in general or dedicated to a specific show or even character. The next one is for Disney sites ... again, either Disney in general or a specific movie or character. The last one is for sites that don't qualify for the Musical Theatre or Disney awards, but that I still love. Just fill in the application form below and send it off to me ... yes, it's THAT easy to apply, people! I like a
LOT of the sites I look at. Your site has to make me want to come back again.
The criteria are easy ... your site must be kid and family safe (no pornography or anything else that would offend your dear old grandma), it must be dedicated to the subject of the award that you're applying for, it should be easy to navigate, pleasing to the eye, and I have to like it! (that last one's not hard ... I like just about every site I see!). That said, if your site meets these criteria, just fill in the little form below and nominate yourself or another site for an award! Obviously the real award graphic has the name of your site written on it in the middle. Fill the form!
Once you've filled in the form, just click the 'Send' button and away you go! Submitting the form will take you to my thankyou page. Please give me a couple of days at least to get back to you with your award, if I see your site as good enough to recieve one. I'm a Uni student and don't always get time to check my e-mails, although I try to do it every day. So please be patient with me if you don't hear back from me straight away. I WILL reply ASAP! Promise! Like I said, it
just might take me a few days to get back to you, depending on how life's treating me. ;)
Check out the list of sites that have won my awards!
If you applied for an award, thankyou for submitting your site -- I'll get back to you. If you don't want to apply for an award, thankyou anyway for coming (you can always nominate OTHER sites for an award, y'know!), and if you're finished on this page, just click one of the links below to either go back to the miscellaneous section of the page to continue your travels around my site, or you could just go back to the site's main page. :) Thanks again for coming! And if you see sites out there that you think
would qualify for an award, let them (and me) know about it!