As of June 3rd, 2002, I am an official Fantasy Fights Knightess! Here's my badge to prove it:

A Knightess' job is to scour the web and invite sites to join us at the Fantasy Fights. As I was a Knightess for the Disney team, I was specifically keeping an eye out for worthy Disney sites to join the magical team. Knightesses will sign your Guestbook and leave you pretty pictures! *smiles* If you are already a member of Fantasy Fights and are interested in becoming a Knight or Knightess, check out this page:, have a look around and see whether you'd like to join us. Then have a look at and fill in the form to become a Knight of the Round Table! Or, in my case, a Knightess of the Round Table! :) You must be at least 13 to join the knights ... Knights and Knightesses send back a report to their leader every week with the sites they've invited to join in the big fun at FF.
Wanna see the awards and gifts bestowed upon Knightess Ruthie? Click the above banner!
Well...that's about all I've got to tell you about the Knights of the Round Table. It's a great job -- very rewarding -- I joined because I felt it was time I gave something back to the competition, having been a fighter since February. So if you have that special spirit that only Knights do, then come along and join
us! You will not be disappointed!
Now just click one of the links below to go back to the main Fantasy Fights page, or my homepage. Seeya soon!