![]() 04/08/2007: Do not adjust your screens: I have updated, small though that update may be. My online journal and fanlistings have all been updated frequently since I last wrote an update up here, but today I've re-done the musical theatre articles page slightly, and have added seven new articles: three from the recent production of Sweet Charity and four from the current production of The Phantom of the Opera. Enjoy. I do endeavour to start updating my site again, but with Uni it's very difficult to find the time. Do bear with me, because I have lots to add.
18/10/2006: It's been a while, huh? All the fanlistings were updated completely on September 28th, with a few new members being added and a few rules and things being changed around in accordance with thefanlistings.org's wishes. The biggest news around the site at the moment is the galleries -- since I last updated, two complete movies have been added to it: the first movie in the The Neverending Story trilogy and the original Stargate movie. I also wish to announce that today I've also added a television gallery page to the site. So far there is the first episode of series 1 of 'Allo 'Allo! and the first two episodes from season one of Boston Legal. Check them out at the television gallery. There is also a page linked on the main Movies page that will take you to the main galleries for each of the shows. Enjoy, but please don't forget to credit if you happen to use any of my images ... capping takes time, you know! Aside from that, it's almost exam time again, so I've been busy, so aside from perhaps the occasional Boston Legal episode in the gallery, don't expect too much.
11/08/2006: All the fanlistings were completely updated a couple of days ago ... good thing too, since some of them hadn't been updated in a while. Of course, you have to have applications before you can update, and I finally had a few sitting in my Inbox to process. So that's done ... thinking about re-doing a couple of the layouts soon, so be on the look-out for that. Also, I think I've finally found a design I like for the page I'm going to display all the fanlistings on that I've joined that I don't own. There's only three there at the moment, but over the next week or so I'll be on the look-out for fanlistings to join, so that section will grow quite rapidly I'm sure. It can be found through the Cliques and Clubs book. And I'm pleased to tell you that the gallery has now had almost 15,000 views. Yay!
25/06/2006: All the fanlistings have been completely updated. Yay me! And I wish to announce that the movie gallery has had over 11,000 views since I re-opened it sometime while I was away ... January or February. YAY!
15/04/2006: The fanlistings have been (sort of) updated.
27/03/2006: I've updated the Cosette fanlisting with a new affiliate. There are a number of applications sitting in my Inbox waiting to be processed, which will be done before I head off on my travels before I fly home, I swear. I haven't forgotten them, I've just had limited time of late. And I've added a new award that I won from the Fantasy Fights web competition. A Crown Web Award. Yay me. Fanlisting member updates are coming REALLY soon!
01/03/2006: The Aladdin gallery is now complete! Check it out through the movies page. :)
28/02/2006: I have begun putting up the Aladdin gallery. So far to just before 'Friend Like Me'. Go check it out!
24/02/2006: Apologies again. Thanks to a note left in my journal, I found out that the gallery wasn't working properly. It has now been fixed and the images will display as normal. Thank-you for bringing it to my attention.
17/02/2006: I'm happy to report that the forums are now back up and fully functional. Hopefully they won't go down again in a hurry. You'll find a general chatter board, plus general Disney and musical boards, a small King's Quest section with a general board, a role-play and a help/hints board, several role-playing boards for Disney, Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, Harry Potter and Labyrinth and several review boards for movies, musicals and books. There's also a suggestions board for you to request other boards you might like to see up, and you'll be able to keep up to date with all the updates around here too. If you're interested, check out http://www.ruths-study.com/forums or just click on the Forum button on the main page. Hope to see you around there real soon!
14/02/2006: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you all got showered with flowers and gifts. The The Phantom of the Opera gallery is now completely up, with the exception of the Extra Features that still need to be re-uploaded, sorry. But check it out! Also, I have taken over ownership of the King's Quest webring -- thank-you so much to the original owner for inviting me. If you have a King's Quest themed website, please go join -- we could use some more sites in the directory. :) Next on the list is the Aladdin gallery, and fanlisting updates. Stay tuned.
07/02/2006: Okay, the gallery is back up and running, but not all the images have been added yet, due to my limited time and resources here in the US. I have begun putting the The Phantom of the Opera gallery back up, and so far up to 'Magical Lasso' has been added. The rest will be added on respective visits to the library, and after that I will get to the Aladdin pictures. The Extra Features for Phantom may have to wait until I get home since some of them need to be re-uploaded. But the rest are coming soon. If anyone has trouble with the gallery, please let me know. Oh, and the forums are still in progress. Apologies for the delay. Back to your lives, all!
31/12/2005: The galleries and forums are down at the moment. Something messed up with my server and they got deleted. I'm working on getting them back up. I have to re-upload a few of the Phantom extra bits, and I'll have the movie captures plus all those I've taken from Aladdin up as soon as possible. And the forums need to be re-done. If you were a member of my forums, please go and re-join. Again, I'll have them back up and running as soon as possible, and I'll let you all know as soon as they're back up. Happy New Year, everyone! Have fun!
27/12/2005: Apologies for the recent downtime: my domain name expired, and I've only just managed to get it back up. But everything like the galleries, forums and fanlistings are all up and running again. In case you haven't been keeping up with my journal, I'm in the United States of America right now, working until the 30th of March, and I'm back in Australia on the 17 of April. I don't know how much I'll be able to update the site itself until I get home, but I'll try and get the pictures I've already uploaded in the galleries and I'll do my best to keep all the fanlistings updated while I'm away, but please be patient with me during this time. I'll be checking the forums from time to time and of course my e-mails will be checked as often as I can. So feel free to write to me. Anyway ... that's what's happening around the Study at the moment. Not neglecting it or you purposely, just really busy now.
03/10/2005: More sprites today, and a Disney Heroines fanlisting update. One new member. :)
28/09/2005: A couple of little things going on today. Over in the King's Quest section, King Graham seems to have lost his hat. Help Princess Rosella find it and you'll find yourself amply rewarded. I've also added a brand new section: SPRITES! I had dollz (er, well ... one doll was all, actually), but now I have the smaller version, sprites, which I absolutely adore making and I plan on making the section rather large by the time I'm finished. Currently there are 26 sprites up on the page, which you'll find by going through the Dollz page, located in the Miscellaneous section of the site. Finally, because I forgot to mention it in the last update, the movie gallery for The Phantom of the Opera has been moved off my server because all the images Coppermine was creating were taking up too much room. So I've moved them to a free server (which unfortunately does have pop-under advertising), but it's in the name of saving space, so I hope you can put up with it. So all the movie images, as well as the extra feature images, have been moved over to what I'm going to use as my new screencap gallery.
10/09/2005: It has been so long since I've updated this place properly ... and I'm afraid today's not going to be much different, other than that I have to make the announcement that I've moved the forums again. They're now stored on my own server, which means no more ads, and they look a whole lot better that the last ones. Visit!
08/05/2005: I AM going to start updating. Today the Disney Heroines fanlisting I run has been re-done and moved, with 28 new members having been added since I last updated there. Also, there's a new fanlisting up, for the relationship between Madame Giry and her daughter, Meg, from The Phantom of the Opera. Go check it out and if you like the characters, join the list. :) Also on the The Phantom of the Opera subject, the movie gallery has had quite an extensive update, with up to 'Il Muto' captures having been posted. That's an extra 544 images.
26/04/2005: My God. Has it been that long since I updated around here? Guess it must've been, though I've been updating the fanlistings since I was last here. Today a LARGE The Phantom of the Opera gallery for the 2004 movie version has been added in the relevant section. Also working on a few fanlistings, both approved by thefanlistings.org and ones that had already been taken, but that I wanted to make one anyway. I do hope to be around more often from now on, so please check back soon and keep checking my Journal -- I do write in that too.
07/10/2004: More Disney Heroines fanlisting updates. 6 new members have been added.
27/08/2004: A Disney Heroine fanlisting update today. 12 new members and 11 new codes.
26/08/2004: Yes, yes, I know, I know! I'm working on a ton of things to go up here at the moment, as well as updating my Heroines fanlisting, which at the moment has about 12 new members waiting to be added. Please bear with me, Uni has been absolutely hectic lately, and I just haven't had the time to do anything but Uni work. On holidays, though, in a few weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to muster enough energy to get a proper update done. On the agenda are 'Le Café René', which is very nearly ready, some Cats character profiles, as soon as I can find (or scan myself) some appropriate images, the links page, and tons more -- it's just a matter of getting the time to get all the pages prepared and uploaded. I have taken the Role-plays book down today, because it is in serious need of an update, since I've joined and quit a few RPGs since I last updated there, and all *my* role-play pages need updating too, with members leaving and many new members joining. Please be patient with me.
24/07/2004: 7 new members have been added to the Disney Heroines fanlisting. Thank-you to all my members for making it such a success! And be on the lookout for the Café René which will be opening at the Study very soon.
14/07/2004: 6 new members in the Disney Heroines fanlisting, and I'm afraid that's it for today. Stay tuned, but.
14/06/2004: I'm getting really bad at this! :P I've had assignments coming out my ears lately and haven't had time for much of anything. 13 members have been added to my Disney Heroines fanlisting, and 1 new member has been added to my Heaviside Layer Cats clique, but the biggest updates have happened in the Musicals book this time. First of all, the Cats galleries have been updated, with 21 Australian and 17 London pictures being scanned and added. Then a The Phantom of the Opera page has been added new to the musicals section. At the moment, this page has a fanart gallery with just one picture up (of Meg Giry), a cast page, a characters page, a gallery page with 63 Australian and 27 London pictures scanned and added to it, the libretto and a reviews page.
26/04/2004: It's been a few days, right? Well, there's not a LOT happening around here today, but I've added a few little things. First off, I've deleted my starlight_meows role-play, because it was getting absolutely nowhere. I have joined a new role-play, however -- jp_lives. Very cool. It and the characters I play in it have been added to the 'Other Role-plays' page. On the page I've set up for made-up character profiles, two more have been added: Adele and Alexander Carpathien. Also on that page I've put up the profiles I've written up for canon Harry Potter characters I play in various games -- there's Sirius Black, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin and Ronald Weasley. Still on the role-plays subject, the Harry Potter role-play page has been updated, with members and characters being removed, and a Quidditch page update. Oh, and another seven members have been added to my fanlisting.
08/04/2004: Just a little update today ... three members have been added to the Disney Heroines fanlisting.
04/04/2004: Yeah, yeah. Okay, so it's been a few days since the last update, but I've been busy with assignments. I finished off my Programming one this morning, so I'm going to update! And there's quite a bit gone up today, too. First off, I won a new award! Go me! It's from the IAWMD -- the 2003-2004 Golden Web Award. I applied for it, and won it! Both my fanlistings have been updated, with one member being added to the Cats fanlisting, and nine to the Disney Heroines one. The Disney book has been updated, with more information having been added to Mozenrath's little page in the Aladdin section, and a new Aladdin episode transcript (done by me) has gone up, The Secret of Dagger Rock. Moving along, in the Miscellaneous book, the King's Quest section has been quite drastically updated, with a walkthru, list points and a list of magic spells being added for KQ6, and the walkthru for KQ7 has gone up too. Also in the King's Quest section, the information about the guards Alexander encounters on the Isle of Wonder in KQ6 has been added. But the most drastic update has occured in the Role-plays book -- it's back up, and completely done now. I've typed up all the profiles for my Harry Potter game and I've re-done the members list, the Quidditch teams and ... everything else about that game has now gone back up. I should mention that the other role-play pages haven't been changed, since nothing's happening in those at the moment. Anyway, I've also updated the list of role-plays I'm currently in, and the list of characters I play in said games, since I've left and joined a few since the last time I updated the Role-plays pages. Oh ... and this file was getting too big, so I've moved the 2002 and 2003 updates to a separate page.
18/03/2004: Okay, not so much an update ... just a note: the Role-plays book is currently down. So ... yeah.
17/03/2004: Another King's Quest update today -- the walkthru for KQ5 has been posted along with its respective points list. Have also added a new picture to the Aladdin section of the Disney gallery -- one of Prince Ali that I drew a little while ago that I wasn't intending to post, but I changed my mind. And I've put up a Christmas giftie from Shannon and JK that I've just found on the appropriate page. Oh -- I'm still working on those role-play pages!
10/03/2004: Yup, another small update. Three new pieces of art have been added to the Disney gallery -- they're all from Aladdin this time around. I'm not sure I'm happy with Aladdin's face in the one of him and Jasmine watching the fireworks, but what're you gonna do? ;) Enjoy the new art anyway, folks ... and my artistic mood. Oh -- almost forgot: my Disney Heroines fanlisting has been updated too, as per usual. Lotsa members now! :)
01/03/2004: Don't faint with shock, but yes -- I have updated! I cannot believe I haven't updated since September last year! Things went downhill quite a bit in the last few months of last year, but I'm feeling much better now and I'm ready to start updating the site again. I came home during my break between classes out at Uni today, so I've spent the morning updating. In the Disney book, some of the graphics for the Hercules page have been re-done and are looking a bit better, and the script has been re-done, so it's looking better too. An Aladdin page has been added to the Disney book now too. At the moment, the script (transcribed by me) and a page for the television series is up. The page for the series includes two episode scripts (also transcribed by me) and a page about the villains of the series, which although at the moment only has a page for Mozenrath up there, will be added to soon. My fanlisting and journal have been updated extenstively since I last updated here, so feel free to check those too. I have over 100 members in the fanlisting now, having just added four new members today. Finally, the Miscellaneous book has had a bit of an update, with a couple of new (although rather old) awards going up, and I've updated JK's page, at her request. Also, walkthrus and points lists have been added to the King's Quest section of the site for KQs 3 and 4. I've also fixed up a little error that was preventing one of the KQ6 screenshots from showing up, and have added another interesting little tidbit to the KQ6 page as well. Next in line for an update is the Roleplays book. I'm currently working on LOTS of profiles for my Harry Potter game.