Finally, I get to do something that the monkey doesn't!
Ruth: *warningly* Iago ...
Iago: *gulp* Okay ... I'll be good. This is the page where you'll find all the little banners for the
cliques and clubs that the webmistress of this site is a part of. She's also made a few, so you'll be able to go and
join them too, if you like. There's all sorts of things ... musicals, movies, actors, actresses, particular
characters from various things ... keep scrollin' an' have a look.
Ruth: Thankyou, Iago. You got there eventually ... I guess. A clique, by the way, is just like a fanlisting
for a particular thing -- a movie, a musical ... you get the idea. There are a few things there, 'cause there's lots
of things that I like! This section could grow to be very large, depending on how many more cliques I make or join,
or it could be very small. I've tried to select the same size banner for everything, but that's not always
possible. But keep scrolling, have a look at the cliques and fanlistings I'm in and consider joining the ones I've
made! Please?