Welcome, welcome!  You have stumbled upon my television gallery, where I shall house many, many of my screen captures from some of my favourite television series.  In this gallery you'll find such series as Boston Legal and 'Allo 'Allo!.  If you are a member of the cap_it community or the dj_capslock community over at livejournal.com, zip files will be available to you to download all the caps I have from the various movies ... if you're not part of the community, well ... I suppose you can still e-mail me and I'll be able to send you a link to where you can download the zips if you so wish.  Otherwise, simply enjoy browsing my lil' ol' collection of screencaps!

Last Show Added: Boston Legal 01x02, on October 18th, 2006.

Number of Shows in the Gallery: 2.




The images in the galleries here are free for the taking if you wish, but I would appreciate a link back to either this page or the main page of the gallery you took them from if you happen to use any for icons, banners, or whatever else.  I'd also love it if you'd show me what you've done with the images ... show me your creativity!  Do NOT hotlink to the images, as it won't work anyway, and I do ask that you don't use them in image galleries on your own site.  It takes time to cap a show!  If I do find that too many people are stealing my images and not giving me proper credit, these galleries will disappear.  Feel free to donate images from your favourite series to go up here.