Fantasy Fights is a very cool web competition that I was a part of a while back.  I have since quit due to time constraints, but perhaps some day I will join up again.  Anyway, I would still like to display all the little gifts and awards that I got while I was part of the competition -- this is the place I'm gonna do that!  There's lots of them ...

If you think you might be interested in joining Fantasy Fights with your own website, simply visit, choose from one of the many teams there (I was on the Magic of Disney team -- it was the BEST!) and sign up!  Once you're approved, gather supporters who will vote for your site every day and help you reach the top level!  There's some wonderful prizes to be won and lots of friends to be made!  Go join!

This came to be as a complete surprise from Rebjess, my Team Leader.
"For showing great Spirit and Cheering everyday without fail as both a Mouseketeer as well as our Knight.
Ruth has also done her best in finding new fighters to join our team."
Thankyou SO much, Rebjess!!  I display my plaque with pride!

I was also (briefly) a member of the Fantasy Fights Paint Shop Pro group.

On June 3rd, 2002, I became an official Fantasy Fights Knightess!  Click above for more information.


As I said before, I'm no longer competing in Fantasy Fights, but I wanted to display all this great stuff I got from them.  As I'm not competing, I'm not accepting applications for supporters right now.  And if anyone still has me on their supporters list, PLEASE remove me -- I'm not voting anymore!  Anyways, I would recommend that you visit the Fantasy Fights site, because I had an amazing time there, competing, finding new sites to join up as a Knightess and making loads of new friends!  Now if you're finished here, just click on one of those buttons below.