King's Quest VII ~ The Princeless Bride

Watch the very pretty introduction to hear Princess Rosella's song and her dilemma, then see Rosella and her mother, Valanice, chatting as they take a walk.  It seems that Valanice thinks it's high time Rosella marry and settle down, but Rosella has other plans.  While Valanice drones on about how Prince Throckmorton is mad about Rosella, the princess sees a beautiful castle in the pond she's kneeling by.  Smiling secretly to herself, she stands, takes a deep breath and jumps in.  Valanice hears the splash and runs over, but Rosella's already gone.  Picking up her daughter's golden comb, Valanice jumps in after her.  She finds Rosella and reaches out a hand, but before Rosella can take it, she's snatched through another portal.  You've got to find her -- and very quickly!

Chapter 1: Where in the blazes am I?

When Rosella is snatched, you'll start playing as Valanice, stranded in the desert somewhere.  There'll be a little sequence with a jackalope galloping past you, then you'll have control.  Take the piece of material snagged on the cactus there and head left.  Pick up the stick and take the salt crystals from by the pond.  Have a look at the markings on the bottom of the statue -- twice, so you can actually see them.  Ponder their meaning for a moment, then go up.  Take a gander at the gateway-thing here (you should particularly note the arrow-shaped hole on the thing) and use the stick to free the prickly pear on the cactus and pick it up.  Go right and have a look at some more symbols above the smaller cave there.  Go into the larger cave.  Pick up the basket and all four pots.  The first three you touch will break, so pick them all up to actually get one.  Examine the basket closely (I mean, click it on the eye at the bottom of the screen) and open it.  Move it around until you see the corn kernel there and take it.  Put the basket back in your inventory and leave the cave.  Go right past the jackalope's hole and down.  Use the stick with the piece of material to make a flag-type thing, draw a deep breath and wander on into the temple.

When the scorpion confronts you in here, use the flag on him.  He'll get caught and you can run over to the statue-thing in the corner there.  Turn the teardrop-shaped piece upside down to let the beam of light in and to reveal the three jewels.  The jewel on the right goes into the statue's upper hand, the jewel on the left goes into the statue's lower hand, and the other one goes into the round pedestal thing -- it's the only place left for something to go into except for what the jewels were in to start with.  This should reveal a turquoise piece -- grab it and exit the temple.

Outside, go up and head left until you find where there's water dripping onto the ground.  Plant the corn kernel here and take one of the ears of corn that grow from it.  Go left to the gateway and down.  Now we'll use those symbols you were looking at before -- they're for making fresh water.  Get some water from the pool using the pot and pour it into the statue's bowl.  Then use Rosella's comb on Valanice, then on the bowl to add some of Valanice's tears.  Finally, put the corn into the statue's hand.  Use the pot on the bowl to get the water and surprise, surprise -- it's fresh!  Go left and up -- the traveller should be here.  If he's not, wander around a bit until you find him.  Talk to him to find out a little about where you are and how to get out of here, and when he leaves, follow him.  Talk to him again and give him the fresh water.  Learn a little more about him through the following cut-scene, and when given the chance take the bug-reducing powder.  When the traveller leaves, also take the horn.  Use the horn on Valanice to clear it (being long-winded comes in handy sometimes, as she says), and go up and out of the desert.

When you're back to where you started, go right into the temple.  When the scorpion confronts you again, use the bug-reducing powder on it and it'll scamper away.  Leave the temple, go up and left to where the cornstalk is.  Look at the gourds to the left of the corn and you'll see that one of them's split.  Look more closely and you'll find a loose seed.  Go right to the door and knock on it.  Talk to the kangaroo rat to find out his glasses have been snatched by the jackalope and he won't talk to you unless he can see.  The jackalope will jump out and razz you up a bit, then jump back down his hole.  Use the horn on the hole to give him a huge shock, then take the kangaroo rat's glasses and the bit of fur that snagged on the cactus.  Go back over to the door, knock to bring the rat out and give him the glasses.  He's free to deal and trade with you now.  Offer him the gourd seed and he'll give you a blue bead in return.  Go left 'til you reach the gateway and down to the statue -- time for the other symbols.

First, click on the statue's head to turn it around, then click on its necklace.  All three jewels need to be in the second from right place in their respective rows.  When you've done this, click on the statue's wrist to turn the bowl upside-down and drain the pool.  Go down into the pool and look at the offering bowl in the statue's hands.  Make sure she says 'that looks like some kind of offering bowl' and put the bead in.  The statue will nod and you can take the turquoise piece that's on the right.  Go back up out of the pond and go up.  Use one turquoise piece on the other to put them together, then look very closely at the arrow-shaped hole above the gateway.  Put the completed turquoise arrow into the hole.  Step through the door to be confronted by the iguana-type monster.  AH!

You've just completed Chapter 1 of King's Quest VII!  Congratulations!  Now, go on to Chapter 2 -->