The third in the King's Quest series, but the seventh that I played.
Stepping out of the shoes of King Graham, you now play young Gwydion, servant boy to an
evil, but very powerful wizard, Manannan ... and he plans to zap the boy out of existence
on his 18th birthday. What Gwydion doesn't know is that he is actually Prince
Alexander, the son of King Graham and Queen Valanice and brother of Princess Rosella of
Daventry, stolen away from his cradle seventeen long years ago and put to work as
Manannan's servant in Llewdor, a country far, far away from Daventry. Well, guess
what? The time has come to go home, Alexander!
There are, of course, a number of small problems, with Manannan not wanting to let you
go and all that jazz. No problem, right? Wrong. Big problem. You've
learned too much in your years and Manannan's not about to let you leave. It's going
to take all your courage and skill to defeat Manannan and return to Daventry, along with
your sister, Princess Rosella, who, shortly after your abduction, was taken as sacrifice to
the terrible three-headed dragon that's now ravaging Daventry. So not only do you have
to find out your true identity AND escape with your life intact, but you also have to find
a way to get yourself back to Daventry and rescue Rosella! Can you do it?
There are many characters to meet on your journey from Llewdor to Daventry, from
Manannan himself (be *very* careful around him!), to thugs, Medusa, pirates and even the
Three Bears (you know, the ones from Goldilocks?)! There's also that oracle, who
tells you who you really are ... while most of them would actually rather hurt you than
help you (particularly Manannan), you'll find useful things here there and
everywhere! Even the most common items can be turned into something magical (like
cookies, powders and potions) if you happen to know the spells.
You'll also visit many locations ... once you've managed to scale down that mountain
just outside your home! There's the desert, the ocean (though not UNDER it this
time!), a tree house, a cottage, some little shops ... there's really some lovely scenery
around Llewdor. While the graphics aren't fantastic, they're still pretty good ...
and the music's nice. This is also the first King's Quest game to feature magic
spells! You have to use Manannan's magic against him if you're going to have any
hope of getting out of there alive. Most of the puzzles aren't particularly
difficult, but you DO have to be VERY careful while snooping around Llewdor until you've
disposed of Manannan ... if he catches you with anything you could use against him, he'll
zap you! You also have to be very careful when casting your spells ... one slip could
mean total disaster! You don't have to do EVERYTHING you can to complete the game,
but the more you do do, the more points you'll get for it at the end.