Finally, I get to do something that the monkey doesn't!

Ruth: *warningly*  Iago ...

Iago: *gulp*  Okay ... I'll be good.  This is the page where you'll find all the little banners for the cliques and clubs that the webmistress of this site is a part of.  She's also made a few, so you'll be able to go and join them too, if you like.  There's all sorts of things ... musicals, movies, actors, actresses, particular characters from various things ... keep scrollin' an' have a look.

Ruth: Thankyou, Iago.  You got there eventually ... I guess.  A clique, by the way, is just like a fanlisting for a particular thing -- a movie, a musical ... you get the idea.  There are a few things there, 'cause there's lots of things that I like!  This section could grow to be very large, depending on how many more cliques I make or join, or it could be very small.  I've tried to select the same size banner for everything, but that's not always possible.  But keep scrolling, have a look at the cliques and fanlistings I'm in and consider joining the ones I've made!  Please?

My Cliques:

Cats  Disney Heroines  Cosette  Meg and Madame Giry  King's Quest  'Allo 'Allo  Space Quest

Click this link for the buttons for all the fanlistings I've joined that I don't own myself.


That about does it for the cliques section of the site.  Hope you enjoyed it.  If you'd like to see a clique up here dedicated to your favourite thing, or perhaps you'd like to start one of your own but need a little help or encouragement, then please don't hesitate to contact me about it.  I'll be more than happy to help you in any way I can.  Maybe you just want someone to help you with making banners, and that's fine!  Which reminds me ... should you have a request for a particular character on a banner, e-mail me about it and I'll make one for you and put it up with the rest.  Feel free to submit more banners too.  The more variety the better!  Now if you're finished here, just click on the button below and you can go back to the main page of my site and continue exploring. :)