Hi 'dere! I'm Horatio Felonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian, but you can call me Sebastian. I'm de court composer of Atlantica. And since I know a lot about music, Ruth has decided to put me in charge of the Musicals page. 'Dis is where you'll find lots and lots of information about Ruth's favourite musicals, like Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Beauty and the Beast and many more. You won't find da Disney musicals here unless 'dey've actually been staged, 'cause 'dere's already an entire section for 'dem. Anyway, de kind of t'ings you'll find here include character stuff, lyrics, trip reports where applicable, lots of pictures and much more that Ruth will add once she t'inks of it. Now ... just keep scrolling and enjoy da theatre!
Ruth: Fine job, Sebastian. I just thought I'd better mention that I will also be including biographies for favourite musical theatre performers as well as LOTS of musical theatre articles that I've collected both from the 'Net and from newspapers. To get to a musical's page, just click on it's title -- they're all displayed just down there. And if there happens to be a musical you love that isn't up here yet, let me know, and provided I can find information about it, I'll put a page up for it. Now keep scrolling and enjoy your stay in my little theatre. Don't forget to write!

Now, I have tried to name each of the pages in this section and have a character from that musical hosting them. For example, Demeter's Hideaway will take you to the Cats section, where you'll find character profiles, a synopsis, the lyrics, trip reports from when the show toured Australia, cast lists, photos and any other information I can find to put up. The same goes for the rest of the musicals here. The banners will help you know which musical that particular banner leads to. The character should make it obvious, but if you don't know the musical that the character's from, it could be tricky. So I've put the name of the musical on the banner too. Have fun! :)
Well, that's it for the musical section -- I hope you enjoyed your stay here. Come back again soon, because I'm always adding new things -- new musicals, or new sections within musicals. Which reminds me -- as I said above, if you have a favourite musical that you don't see up here, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do about putting a page together. It might take a little bit, depending on how well I know the musical in question and depending on whether I've seen it. If I have seen it and know it well, it shouldn't take too long. If I don't know it well, or haven't seen it at all, I may well write back to you to ask for some help -- a review, a synopsis, pictures ... things like that. But I do know at least *something* about a lot of musicals, so I should be alright. Feel free to submit reviews and things to me for the musicals that are already up here too! If you're finished, click the banner below.